Sunday, November 18, 2007


The most interesting thing about a Wiki is the ability (for anyone)to edit and add information. I find this quite frightening.-----Wikipedia is a Wiki and I understand that there are a million entries but can it be accurate with people contributing who have dubious credentials? Some teachers do not allow the Wikipedia to be used by their students in writing research papers.
Having said this---Wikis would be useful as centralized places for people to share ideas on a topic--develop ideas for a conference--a place for empolyees of a particular organization to share ideas--a place to develop a shared document.
Libraries in particular can use them to develop a subject guide--a place for club enthusiasts--places for library supported groups like a teen group.
One Wiki I visited had links to various comunity organizations and businesses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. i did not know anyone could add anything. pretty cool