Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have finished the program and am excited about all the new "things" that I have learned. I have several favorite discoveries.
  1. Blogline - where I can organize my favorite websites and they will highlight new items on the site for my later perusal.
  2. Zoho - a website where I can do word smithing and send it where I want. It has an added feature of updating a post to my blog automatically.
  3. Gutenberg - a website to download ebooks--I can read my favorite authors and it's only a click away!

I would definetly participate in another discovery program.
This learning experience has opened up the internet for me. It has taught me how to organize the information available so I can receive it in the sound bites that are comfortable. I feel like a chick just coming out of it's shell and seeing all the possibilities.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Joyce Dutilly said...

Checked both of these blogs and they were not available. TV had been removed-wonder what that means?
written by Joyce